Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Who is breaking away from the schedule ...

Good Morning Everyone!

How was everyone's Labor Day weekend?

Mine was fantastic ... I got to relax and have fun on Saturday and Sunday and then I was super productive on Monday and got everything checked off the "To Do" list (which included studying a lot ... that is going to take some time to get used to!)

How about we take a vote - who thinks we should change up the work calendar and we always get a 3 day weekend?? I agree ... I think we should.
But seriously, people with desk jobs (not people in healthcare, or teachers, or others ...) - I think the work week could totally be changed. Who really sits at their desk and is productive for 8 hours EVERY day??? I think we should change work culture to "get your work done and then leave" - then people would be motivated to stay focused and get their work done!!

WOW - Soapbox moment right there!

This is going to be a random blog post ... and there are no good pictures to share with you, so I am just going to share some random oldies but goodies =)

 First, welcome to September ... one of the best months!
- Perfect weather
- Football starts!
- AND Birthday month =)

Birthdays have always been a big deal in my family, so I have to admit, even as an adult - I love birthdays (including my own!).

Secondly, I wanted to pop in and give an update about the blog. Blogging is still really new for me and I am trying to figure out the avenue I want to take for this blog. I want it to be personal and share snippets of my life, but I also want it to focus on fitness and health! I am trying to figure out the balance, if you have any topics you want me to cover or any questions - please email me or comment below!!

Most importantly, I want to blog because I enjoy it and to share useful information to others and get new information from others too! If my blog encourages someone to go an extra mile in a run or try a new workout ... I would be elated.
I am not blogging for money, or for fame ... so I need to remind myself that this blog does not need to be perfect and if I miss a post now and then - it will be ok!

Since I have started my classes and I am still working full time, I have been forced to focus and certain things priorities and also drop some things. I do not want to drop this blog at all, because I do enjoy talking with all of you =) I just don't want to put together half hearted posts because I feel forced to have something to post on a "Monday, Wednesday, or Friday"
I want to put time into my posts, and get some more workouts and recipes up on the blog too!
Therefore, I hope to still blog 3 times a week ... I might just skip a day every once in a while.

Thanks for reading this rambling post! And thanks for supporting the idea of this blog in general! I appreciate you!

~Enjoy the week~
I do not know this dog ... but I saw this at a restaurant in Charleston... so funny!

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I am not a registered dietitian (yet). My blog is simply a snapshot of my everyday life. The views I express are mine alone, based on my own experiences, and should not be taken as medical advice. Though I am a certified fitness instructor, the workouts I post may not be right for you. Please speak with a medical professional before making any changes to your current routine.